18.1 Nic Jonk


27 x 17 x 43 cm

Nic Jonk (1928-1994) once dreamt of having a large sculpture of his Pacific on the shores of the oceans before the year 2000. He passed away before this could be accomplished. The sculpture Pacific encompasses a mermaid and dolphins and a round disk, symbolizing the earth or the sun. Clearly visible in the center under the sun is a heart. In this way, Jonk wanted to express his love for nature and send a signal that the environment must be cherished by us and that the seas and oceans must be protected from pollution. In other words, protect the environment. The Pacific was made in the ‘80s of the last century, just as The Elements and The Tide, which carry the same message as the Pacific. Jonk was a very popular sculptor, who has sculptures on display in both the United States of America and in Europe and has received one or more commissions for their placement in more than 200 municipalities in the Netherlands. The Nic Jonk Museum and Sculpture Garden in Grootschermer (North Holland) exhibits his sculptures and paintings in a picturesque polder landscape. With a special campaign the Sculpture Garden wants to acquire a 3.5 meters tall Pacific in bronze and thereby advance the realization of Jonk’s dream.

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